Fishook Peak. Rick
Baugher photo.
| Two Morse Peaks
Only two more peaks to go! Of the 9 summits that encircle Morse Creek drainage in the wild north central Lemhi Range, I was down to the last two. I knew the long rock hop to Fishhook Peak el 10225' would be a nice catch, and I was ready to nibble at the bait.
View E across the Morse Lake cirque to Fishhook Peak el 10225'. The
hooked ridge line to this mountain top has a couple of barbs.

View SE near Fishhook Peak. Rick
Baugher photo, 6/26/08
| Smoking gun. Joe Umpleby, Oscar Meinzer, and other early day USGS
geologists would have marveled at such a glacial aftermath. This upper
reach of Falls Creek shows a classic U-shaped trough. The noticeable
'bathtub ring' supports the hypothesis that ice here was once 500'
thick. View SE from near Fishhook Peak.

View NE to Buffalo Skull Peak. Rick
Baugher photo, 6/26/08.
From the undisturbed summit of Fishhook Peak (prominence 405') the
view is NE to parent Buffalo Skull Peak el 10735'. To its left is
rounded Mill Mountain el 10793'. The Salmon National Forest map of
1918 pegged Mill at 11000'.

Many Tops. Rick
Baugher photo, 6/26/08.
| Now, onward to that 9th and final Morse Creek summit. View SE to Many
Tops el 9442', with its 1100' prominence.

Summit of Many Tops. Rick
Baugher photo, 6/26/08.
You decide. Was Many Tops a pristine summit? Is this a random stone
placement or the work of some horse packer, miner, or forest fire
fighter? View N to The Forgottens from the 9442' highest top.
All photos 6/26/08
Rick Baugher, 6/29/08