Borah from Chicken-out |
The trail leading to Chicken-out Ridge |
Peak 11,308 rising above Cedar Canyon |
Mount Idaho at the head of Cedar Canyon |
Looking west from Chicken-out into the large basin and the tributary
of Rock Creek. The route is along the top of the cliff, on the southern
side. |
Borah from the saddle. |
From the saddle looking east into the large lake basin. |
Church, Leatherman, White Cap Peak, Peak 11,967, and Mount Idaho-
the crest of the Lost River range looking south from the top of Borah |
The Lost River Range looking south-southwest from Borah. Donaldson,
Church, and Leatherman |
The Lemhi Mountains looking east from Borah. |
On top of Borah. |
Descending to Chicken-out |
Borah Peak sits at 12,665 feet, the tallest peak in Idaho and the tallest
in the Lost River range. The southwest ridge route is a class 3 and the
most often climbed, while the north face is a snow climb and the east
face is a YDS 5.2.
Topo of the route
Southwest Ridge
The southwest route is 3.5 miles from the trailhead to the top and gains
5,200 feet in elevation. The signed and well-maintained trailhead turnoff
is 20 miles north of Mackay on US-93, just south of the Doublespring Road.
Turn east and proceed 2 miles and notice the scarp line caused from the
1983 earthquake.
From the trailhead, follow the well-defined path up the first sage-brush
hill through the gully. At a point, you will take a sharp left-hand turn
to cross the gully. The trail climbs out of the gully into a forested
slope. The route climbs steeply through the trees until it breaks out
of the distinct treeline and onto a rocky west-east ridge in which Borah
now appears to the left. To the right is a double-peaked spur at 11,898
feet which is the infamous Chicken-out Ridge. Between the two peaks is
a notch with a permanent snow slope. Here the route sidewinds up the ridge
on talus rock along a beaten path until the route fades at 11,400 feet.
To your left, as you've hiked along the ridge, is a long west-east cliff
face that drops 800 feet into a large basin with a tributary to Rock Creek
draining it. To the right is a talus field that slopes gradually down
into Cedar Canyon. Beyond this canyon, looking south, is a large gray
and orange mountain, Peak 11,308. At the head of Cedar Canyon is Peak
12,058 and to the left of 12,058 is Leatherman Peak, Idaho's second tallest
peak at 12,228 feet.
As you approach Chicken-out Ridge, the trail disappears at 11,400 feet
and muliple scrambling routes begin at 11,600 feet, some easier than others.
At this point, take your time and don't hesitate to double back if one
route becomes too exposed. It is best to stay as much as possible on top
of the ridge rather than dropping too low. At the top of Chicken-out,
at 11,898 feet, is a knife edge ridge, part of the main crest of the Lost
River range which intersects the west-east ridge. Some points on the top
of chicken-out will leave you feeling exposed. Use caution. It is best
to downclimb the 20 feet from the top of Chicken-out Ridge to the snow-filled
notch rather than attempting to drop below the snow on either side. Once
across the snow-filled notch, the trail becomes defined again and the
path winds west of the 2nd double peak (as seen when emerging from the
treeline) and then levels out onto a small saddle in a short distance.
Peer east into a large lake basin.
From the saddle follow the path up the last 800 feet toward the summit.
The trail is steep and some may find it a little rough-going because of
the lack of traction. The last 50 feet of the ascent will make a sharp
right-hand turn from an overlook up to the top.
Once on top, take time to peer north to toward Challis, southwest toward
Hyndman and the Pioneers, west toward Castle Peak and the White Clouds,
east toward the Lemhis, and then south toward Leatherman and the crest
of the Lost River Range. Your descent should start before 2:00pm in case
of thunder storms.